Bien Bien choisir sa mutuelle familiale

La mutuelle familiale est une couverture sociale complémentaire au régime obligatoire de la sécurité sociale. Elle consiste à adhérer tous les membres d’une même famille à une mutuelle familiale afin qu’ils puissent bénéficier d’une couverture santé supplémentaire.
Qu’est ce qu’une mutuelle familiale ?

La mutuelle familiale est une couverture sociale complémentaire au régime obligatoire de la sécurité sociale. Elle consiste à adhérer tous les membres d’une même famille à une mutuelle familiale afin qu’ils puissent bénéficier d’une couverture santé supplémentaire.
Une mutuelle familiale fonctionne grâce aux cotisations. Leurs montants dépendent de plusieurs facteurs, notamment le nombre de personnes composant le foyer ainsi que le niveau de couverture et les garanties choisies.

Couvertures et garanties

Les niveaux de couverture sont nombreux. Le plus faible est généralement celui qui se contente de rembourser le ticket modérateur de la sécurité sociale. Le ticket modérateur désigne la partie de la facture non remboursée par l’organisme public. Les autres niveaux de couverture sont très souvent exprimés en pourcentage des tarifs conventionnés par la sécurité sociale. En règle générale, plus la couverture est élevée et plus le montant de la cotisation est important. Le niveau de couverture peut atteindre 400% des tarifs conventionnés.

Comment choisir entre mutuelle familiale et assurance complémentaire ?

Il n’y a aucune différence de prestation entre ces deux entités. Seul leur statut juridique les différencie. Alors que la mutuelle familiale est régie par le Code de la Mutualité, l’assurance complémentaire relève du Code des Assurances.
En conséquence, avant de décider, il est vraiment important de comparer les offres et tarifs.

L’avenir des mutuelles ?

Aujourd’hui, de plus en plus d’organismes utilisent le nom de mutuelles sans en avoir les caractéristiques. Une vraie mutuelle est une société de personnes à but non lucratif. Elle n’a pas pour objet de faire des bénéfices. Son fonctionnement est basé sur trois principes : solidarité, entraide et prévoyance.
Des organismes cependant se dissimulent derrière cette appellation pour commercialiser leurs offres. Ceci a contribué à ternir l’image des mutuelles.
Par ailleurs, les mutuelles familiales disparaissent petit à petit en raison de la dis proportionnalité entre le montant des cotisations reçues et le paiement des couvertures. Leur pérennité est donc menacée par l’insuffisance des ressources. Et pourtant, les mutuelles familiales constituent la solution la moins onéreuse en termes de couverture sociale.

Si vous avez des questions sur le fonctionnement de la mutuelle santé famille, reste à votre disposition.

Entrée dans la zone Schengen : l’assurance médicale est obligatoire !

Si vous devez vous rendre en France afin d’y retrouver votre famille, dans le cadre d’un séjour linguistique et pour tout séjour inférieur à trois mois, vous pouvez avoir besoin d’un visa selon votre nationalité.
Pour obtenir ce visa court-séjour – communément appelé visa « Schengen », car il vous permet d’accéder aux pays de l’espace Schengen, il vous faudra obtenir une attestation d’accueil et souscrire une assurance médicale obligatoire.

Selon les statistiques du Ministère du tourisme français, les activités touristiques en France ont rapporté en 2008 près de 40 milliards d'euros. Cela n'est guère étonnant, la France étant le pays le plus visité du monde depuis plusieurs années déjà.
L'Europe est aussi une destination de choix pour les étrangers : ils sont 488 millions à avoir visité l’Europe en 2008 (source Insee). Pour y entrer dans le cadre d'un court séjour (moins de trois mois), les ressortissants issus de certains pays doivent obtenir un visa Schengen : mais pour l'obtenir, il est obligatoire de souscrire une assurance médicale.

L’assurance Schengen Europe Access
Une assurance voyage est obligatoire pour toute personne souhaitant obtenir un visa Schengen.
L’assurance Schengen Europe Access vous offre une protection pour tout séjour d’une durée maximale de 90 jours au sein de l’espace Schengen. Vous pouvez souscrire jusqu’à 75 ans.
Vous pouvez demander un devis gratuit et souscrire une assurance voyage pour la zone Schengen élargie aux pays de l’Europe par le biais d’une transaction sécurisée sur

La protection dont vous avez besoin à un prix avantageux
Pour un séjour de quinze jours, vous disposez d’une protection pour 29 euros ; 67 euros pour une durée de trois mois. Cette assurance vous propose également la responsabilité civile.
Il est important de souscrire une assurance voyage lors de vos séjours à l'étranger afin de vous protéger ainsi que vos proches contre tout problème, et ainsi profiter au mieux de vos vacances. Pour plus d’informations sur les garanties et tarifs de l’assurance voyage :

Les pays de l’espace Schengen
L’espace Schengen garantit l’ouverture des frontières entre les 25 pays ayant signé la Convention Schengen en 1985. L’espace Schengen ne recouvre pas le territoire de l’Union Européenne : la Grande Bretagne, Chypre, la Roumanie et la Bulgarie n’en font pas partie. En revanche, trois pays hors de l'Union Européenne sont associés à l’espace Schengen : la Norvège, l’Islande et la Suisse.
L’assurance Schengen Europe Access proposée par Mondassur vous couvre pour votre séjour dans les pays de l’espace Schengen ainsi que dans les autres pays européens. Cette large couverture géographique en fait un contrat particulièrement innovant.

Liste des pays dont les ressortissants doivent obtenir un visa Schengen pour la France

Voici une liste non exhaustive des pays : Chine (à l’exception des personnes possédant un visa des régions spéciales de Macao et de Hong Kong), Inde, Indonésie, Nigéria, Russie, Philippines, Viêt Nam, Ethiopie, Egypte, Turquie, Congo, Thaïlande, Algérie, Maroc, Tunisie, Cameroun, Sénégal, Brésil...
Certains pays sont exemptés de visa Schengen, mais il est obligatoire de souscrire une assurance médicale pour leur venue en Europe.

« Cap Au pair » L’assurance santé des jeunes filles au pair par Chapka « Cap Au pair » L’assurance santé des jeunes filles au pair par Chapka

Nouveau ! Chapka complète son offre de couverture santé à l’étranger avec « Cap au pair », une assurance sûre valable partout dans le monde et qui a de quoi ravire les jeunes filles au pair et les familles d’accueil !
 « Devenir fille au pair est une expérience enrichissante cependant cela coûte parfois chère (agence de placement, billet d’avion, financement des cours de langue sur place etc). Pour assister ces jeunes expatriées, nous avons voulu faire le contrat d’assurance santé le plus complet du marché à un montant le plus accessible. Désormais les jeunes au pair, peuvent voyager tranquille et les familles d’accueil trouvent un remède adapté à la question des frais médicaux de leur hôte » (Geoffroy Bonnet-Eymard, gérant de Chapka Assurances).
Le courtier d’assurance spécialisé auprès des jeunes expatriés collabore avec l’assureur américain Chartis (Leader mondial de l’assurance des expatriés) pour mettre en place cette assurance.De nombreux sites web spécialisés parlent des séjours au pair. En parcourant ces plateformes, on constate qu’au-delà des bons retours d’expérience, des aventures plus malheureuses surviennent : un contrat qui s’arrête pour cause de mésentente avec la famille, un retour anticipé qui n’était pas prévu… C’est là que Chapka Assurances, désire intervenir : faire en sorte que l’expérience d’une jeune fille au pair ne rime pas avec calvaire.

Un contrat souple
Le statut « au pair » n’est pas commun pour tous les Etats. C'est pourquoi Chapka propose une protection simple, sans tiroirs, à l’instar des modalités de souscription.Effectivement la couverture s'intéressera aux 18 à 30 ans et ce indifféramment la nationalité d’origine, du type de visa ou du pays d’accueil. Par ailleurs, cette assurance peut directement être consentie par la famille d’accueil qui fréquemment recherche la meilleure solution d’assurance.
Une protection complète « Expatriés » conçue pour les jeunes au pair et les familles d’accueil :

Parce qu’une jeune fille au pair n’est pas une expatriée comme les autres, l'assurance repose sur des couverture solides et spécifiques dont voici quelques exemples :
- Les frais médicaux sont remboursés à 100% dès le 1er euro (sans franchise) pour tout accident ou maladie soudaine. Un simple rhume, ou une hospitalisions lourde seront pris en charge à 100 %)
- Si le séjour s’arrête prématurément, Chapka rembourse les nuits d’hôtel nécessaires en attendant de trouver une autre famille.
- En cas de décès ou de maladie grave d’un membre de sa famille, Chartis Assistance 24/24 rapatriera le jeune dans son pays d’origine et lui payera son billet pour revenir ensuite dans le pays d’accueil. Idem en cas d’accident ou d’hospitalisation, l’assureur assurera ensuite le rapatriement médical du jeune.
Une prime compétitive
Avec un tarif mensuel à partir de 20 € sur 12 mois pour un séjour en Europe (37 € /mois pour les séjours hors Europe) Cap au Pair se positionne comme le moins cher du marché.
« Le salaire moyen d’une fille au pair est environ de 65€ par semaine, nous nous devions de proposer un tarif qui prend en compte ce genre de facteur et avons réussi à établir un compromis prix/garanties » dixit Geoffroy Bonnet-Eymard.
A ce jour, peu d’acteurs sont présents sur le marché de l’assurance au pair, ainsi avec Cap au Pair, un nouveau contrat s’offre aux jeunes expatriés ; Chapka Assurances commercialise dès aujourd’hui son assurance que vous pourrez retrouver sur son site (souscription sécurisée HSBC)

Une simplicité de souscription et de gestion de sinistre :
- Pour l’assistance, L’assuré dispose d’un N° 24h/24 qui répond dans sa langue d’origine.
- Les frais médicaux et autres frais sont remboursés sous 10 jours directement à l’assuré sur son compte bancaire en France ou en Europe. L’assuré doit renvoyer ses factures à Chartis directement.

Une carte d’assistance est remise à l’assuré lors de la souscription, elle sert de preuve de votre adhésion à l’assurance Cap Au pair et est reconnue mondialement dans les hôpitaux.
Une version en langue anglaise du contrat sera disponible dès le mois de juin.
Contact :
Chapka Assurances,
53, rue de la Boétie
75008 Paris (à partir du 1er juin 2010)

Geoffroy Bonnet-Eymard (01 74 85 50 52)

« Solutions d’assurance pour les professionnels du tourisme »
Chapka est un courtier d’assurance voyage créé en 2003. Chapka crée et négocie ses contrats auprès de l’ensemble des assureurs et assisteurs spécialisés dont Europ Assistance, AXA Assistance, Chartis, Ace, Hiscox, Gan. Ces clients sont des tours opérateurs de niches (trekking, plongée, ski, golf..), des agences de voyage en ligne, des organisateurs d’événements, des centrales de réservation hôtelières ou d’offices du tourisme ou de stations de ski.
Le cabinet a apporté un soin particulier à sa plateforme technique BtoB : . Le dispositif, 100% web, intègre depuis peu la vente vers les marchés européens pour accompagner les agences de voyages en ligne dans leur développement. Il apporte des nouvelles garanties et les solutions technologiques d’avant garde pour la gestion de contrats et le marketing assurances. En 2009 Chapka a géré 5 M€ de primes d’assurance (200.000 voyageurs assurés). Chapka propose aussi une gamme de contrats « pro du tourisme » tels que la RC des agences de voyages, la RC des mandataires sociaux, la Multirisque bureau, les assurances de risques spéciaux (homme clé, annulation d ‘événement, risque attentat..).
Chapka Assurances : 68, Bd de Port Royal 75005 Paris tel : 01 74 85 50 53 Société de courtage d’assurance : SARL au capital de 10 000 €.Numéro de RCS : Paris B 441 201 035. Garantie financière et assurance de RC conformes aux articles L530-1 et L530-2 du Code des Assurances. Inscrit à l’Orias N° 07002147.

Comparing Online Car Insurance Quotes

When it comes to comparison of quotes online or offline, it does not necessarily mean that once you have conveniently entered or gave your information, you would be given a large comparison; it entirely means that there would be discounts for you. If you have not noticed yet, due to the fact that auto insurance is mandatory in some parts of the world, a lot of businesses in this niche have been popping out and that certainly means that there is a huge possibility that you will find a company that would provide cheap yet good insurance policy. There are still a lot of individuals that do not realize the secrets in finding the best auto insurance company. In reality, it never is a secret. All you need to do is to use online tools to compare rates. This way, you would be able to control your expenses.
When it comes to cars or any kind of automobile, everyone is required to have insurance as mentioned above but never worry since there are options available anywhere that are quite inexpensive. Just make sure that you take some time comparing the different companies' rates. When it comes to comparing notes, it became much easier nowadays to choose the best one that would satisfy your needs and budget because of the internet. If your current company cannot offer you a better rate then you can certainly choose a company that you have found using the internet.
In comparing quotes and if you already have a current policy, you should make sure to compare it with your current plan. This entirely means that if your current insurance have full coverage, you do not compare it with one that just offers liability and not the comprehension and collision insurance since that would only give you an incorrect comparison. A correct comparison would be to take out your current car insurance declaration page and give those out for the online quote you found.
If you are able to pay a certain company a full six-month policy upfront, they would be able to give you discounts. That would be a thing that should be put in mind when looking for affordable car insurance. There would be a number of times that when you add a new vehicle in your current policy, it would seem expensive. When this happens, it is best that you go online and compare rates and of course, you should make sure that you do get the best one with the best coverage and price.
You searched for auto insurance quotes online because you want to save. You should remember that you can only save some cash if you do some comparisons of different quotes from different companies online. Grabbing some quotes online is never like offline. The online way would be a lot quicker and easier and of course, it can always be accomplished in the 4 corners of your home.

Need Insurance For Your Muscle Car ?

Getting insurance for a car nowadays might not take you a lot of time but surely if you don't know how to find one that would be perfect for you then surely it is not worth it to have one. Most people nowadays would want to go with insurance with a great coverage yet is cheaper. Who would not want to anyways? If you are having problems with this, what more if you have you own a muscle car. If you do not know how to find a cheap one, you definitely would have a hard time paying your annual or monthly bills for your muscle car.
When it comes to classic cars, it could take a lot of money insuring it you don't know anything. You already would have a hard time paying for the parts for your car if you get into an accident and also with the everyday expenses on its gas, even more if you get insurance for it without the proper knowledge.
If you have problems looking for the perfect insurance company for this kind of car, you should read on.
When it comes to auto insurance for classic or muscle cars, you should know that a lot of companies would charge them with a higher premium. As you can see, there are some factors that you need to consider with this. Reasons for the higher premium would be because as the name implies, muscle cars are powerful and parts are quite rare. But this does nt entirely mean that you can never find a cheaper price on your premium.
In order to find the best (this also works with other vehicles), you should gather as much quotes as you could from different companies. In comparing quotes, you should decide first on the type of coverage you would want. It would be quite expensive but it is recommended that you go for total coverage if you have a muscle car.
Before committing to the best insurance company that you have found, you should first make sure that you get a guarantee. They should be able to provide you with the written and agreed details with concern to the amount that you would receive if something does happen to your car; something like a car accident or if it gets stolen. You should also make sure that you understand everything the company has to offer.
When it comes to car insurance providers, whatever kind of car you posses, you definitely should spend time looking at your options. You should do this since there are a lot of things that should be cleared up first before you decide on what you think is best.

Free Auto Insurance Quotes Online - The Things You Should Know

If you are looking for insurance for your automobile, there are a couple of things you should know. There is an easier, more ideal, and more convenient way to do this. Here, you will get to know more about free auto insurance quotes online.
Past Practices
In the past, getting insurance for your car, truck, SUV, or motorcycle can prove to be a hassle. Not only is it time consuming; you will also spend a great deal on travel expenses. People have been known to go through great lengths just to get this type of insurance. They have been known to drive or travel for hours just to get the best deals possible. However, there is still no guarantee that you will get the best insurance quotes.
The Convenience Of The World Wide Web
These days we get everything from the World Wide Web. We get all sorts of information over the internet. We get to read product reviews. We can make payments online. We can shop on the web. Lastly, we can get all sorts of price quotations. This includes insurance quotations. This simply means that you no longer have to drive or travel through distant places just to get the quotes you need.
The Process
The process for getting free auto insurance quotes online is simpler than one might think. Here is what you will need to do:
1. The Right Equipment
No, there is no need for special hardware or software. All you need is your computer and your internet service provider. You can also make use of your mobile phone and its internet capabilities. As you can see, everyone has either one or both of these.
2. Browse By State Or Area
There are various firms that provide free auto insurance quotes online. All you have to do is find them by searching for them on any of the popular search engines. You can either search by state or area.
3. Signing Up For Their News Letters Or Mailing Lists
Signing up for these firm's news letters or mailing lists will only take a minutes of your time per firm. Upon doing so, you will get notifications through email on what they have to offer.
4. Choose The Best Deal
By getting valuable information via email, you get the best possible deals. Choose the best interest rates, coverage, and terms of payment for your needs. It is most likely that these firms will keep their rates as competitive as possible. You can get the
5. Contact
Once you have chosen the best deal there is, you can either contact this firm by email or through phone. Some of them offer to make you sign up online; some of them send you the agreement through mail.
As you can see, it is easier and more convenient to get these quotes through the internet. It will save you a lot of time and money. In addition, you get the best deal for your needs. This is what you should know about free auto insurance quotes online.

Best Automobile Insurance Companies - How Can You Tell The Best From The Rest

Just what are the qualities that make for the best automobile insurance companies? The answer to this question could mean the difference between a decent quote or a bad quote, but it could also mean the difference between good coverage and bad coverage. This article will reveal the things that make an insurance provider, worthy of being called the best. And after reading you'll be able to make a better choices when looking to insure your automobile...
Insurance Is Accessible - No Expensive Upfront Fees
The best automobile insurance companies will strive to make insurance accessible and won't go overboard when setting policy rates. Insurance policies as you may well know are based on several variables, but there is a standard element to any policy. This is the element that you should pay close attention to. If it's too high stay away from he company; no matter how much they claim to be the best.
Sound Payout Record
It is often said that insurance companies make every effort NOT to payout in the event of an accident, and if the infomercials are to be believed then finding an insurance company that has a decent payout record is super important. It isn't too difficult to spot a company with a poor record of payout. The Better Business Bureau and other consumer watchdog organizations usually have ample data on the poorer performing companies.
The payout record of a company should also inform your decision about the type of coverage you take out. Typically, the better the payout record, the greater the coverage you can take out. And since the better the coverage the higher the premium, you simply cannot afford to make any mistakes in this department.
Reasonable Deductible Percentage
The deductible percentage represents the amount that you'll have to fund in the event of an accident. It varies from provider to provider, but your goal should be to select the provider with the lowest percentage. This percentage can always be increased by you later on, should you decide to use it as cost saving measure on the overall quote itself.
The pointers outlined above represent the best criteria for identifying the best automobile insurance companies. The list of course isn't exhaustive, but is a sound enough to enable you to make a decent choice. Additionally, you can increase your chances of getting a good quote and good coverage by choosing an online company. In fact, an online company will allow for even greater cost saving since they're usually cheaper than their offline counterparts.
How to Find The Best Automobile Insurance Companies in 5 Minutes or Less:
CLICK HERE : for my top 3 recommendations on cheap car insurance quote providers. Within 5 minutes or less, you'll receive multiple quotes from several national and local providers. Best of all, it's completely FREE, with absolutely no obligation whatsoever.

Auto Insurance Quotes Are Easy to Obtain

There are many ways to go about getting auto insurance quotes. The first method that usually comes to mind for most drivers is to look in the yellow pages and call different agencies. However, there are other methods that may get quicker results and help make a well informed decision.
The internet can be a great tool for selecting a suitable policy or getting rates for most drivers. There are sites that will do the searching for you, when some basic information about your driving history, the type of vehicle you drive and the type of coverage you are looking for is entered. Such a service will typically search a database for the best companies to suit your needs and will often provide links to the various companies.
When such online services are used, you may be able to get instant auto insurance quotes from some companies. It is best to provide as much information as possible, if you plan to utilize the online format for purchasing a policy. The reason for accurate information is two fold. First, you will get the most accurate rate. Second, providing information on safety features of your vehicle, driving history and whether you are an honor student can get you some discounts on the rate. If you are eligible for multiple discounts, the savings can add up.
Often you can choose the levels of liability you want, the deductible amount and other features through an online system. However, if you still have questions, it is always a good idea to call the company or agent directly. Remember when comparing rates to always compare the same coverages of different companies. This allows you to make the best choice in price. Whether you purchase online, over the phone or in person, always remember to have your vehicle ID number or registration and driver's license.
Calling an agent does have its advantages, though. When your driver information is obtained, the agent can search several companies for you, especially if the agent is independent and not affiliated with any specific company. Such a person will work hard to find the best possible policy and rates to gain repeat business and maintain a good reputation.
Another way to get the best possible rates is to purchase only the coverage you need. If you already have a roadside assistance plan, you will not need this through the policy. Higher deductibles are best if you know you can cover some of the cost of replacing a vehicle, especially if the vehicle is paid off. For vehicles of lesser value, you may want to consider simply purchasing the amount of liability or slightly more than your state requires.

How To Get Affordable Auto Insurance Quotes Online

For any person who owns an automobile, it is essential to have auto insurance. There is no way of telling when an emergency may happen, and it is best to always be prepared for the unforeseen. However, it is also possible to get insurance for our vehicle that does not suit our needs. These days, the premium policies that are offered are beyond our reach. This is why it will be wise to get cheap auto insurance quotes online.
The Past Method
In the past, there was one way to get the best insurance quotes for your vehicle. You had to drive to different insurance firms getting the best possible quotes. Doing this is not only time consuming; it also costs money. Furthermore, there was no assurance that you were getting the best quotes possible for your needs. You could still end up getting unfavorable interest rates and unsubstantial coverage for your car, SUV, truck, motorcycle, etc., despite the effort.
What The Internet Has To Offer
These days, the internet offers a number of conveniences you can now enjoy. There are now millions of people who shop online. There are tons of people who get their information online. There are countless people who pay their bills online. Everything you need can now be found over the information superhighway. Included in the things the internet has to offer are auto insurance quotes.
There are so many benefits to getting these quotes over the World Wide Web as opposed to driving all over town just to get these quotes. Here are those benefits:
- What normally takes hours or even days will now only take just a couple of minutes
- You will no longer need to spend a lot of money on traveling expenses
- You do not need to travel outside of your home or office
- If you thought a quote was cheap, you will be able to find cheap auto insurance quotes online
- The selection of offers are more vast over the internet
- You will have more cheap offers to take advantage of
How To Look For These Quotes
You do not need special equipment, nor do you need to pay for subscriptions when looking for these quotes. All you need is a computer and internet access. The process is not in any way complicated. All you have to do is log on to your favorite search engine and enter in auto insurance and the area where you live the closest to.
Upon entering these keywords on the search engine, you will be surprised with the amount of search results. It is easy to get hundreds and even thousands of results. This simply means that there are a lot of firms offering insurance. This also means that they will keep their prices at extremely low rates just to make you get their policy.

Car Insurance Quotes and Options

Every area of the United States has their own requirements for coverage and insurance necessities for automobile owners, ranging from basics of collision and damage to comprehensive plans that will cover nearly any incident. Car insurance has become a multi-billion dollar industry in the United States alone given the extremely high number of motorists and vehicles requiring coverage. The means of these companies assessing risk and financial decisions is much more streamlined than that of homeowner's insurance or coverage for valuables. Car insurance quotes are used by every insurance company to quickly and accurately describe their rates to potential customers, taking multiple accounts and factors into the comprehensive price.
A basic car insurance quote demands a large amount of information. Before you input the make and model of your car, a customer would need to document their credit history, driving record, gender, physical location, and criminal background. Car insurance quotes are based upon the statistical averages of every level of customers, so that the companies know the levels they must set in order to remain profitable -- after all, they are businesses -- and keep their rates lowest. Each piece of information collected is weighed against the average driving record of similar customers in order to determine the ideal rate.
A first time motorist, for example, would have a much higher rate than a seasoned driver. This is in part because of the fact that younger drivers are much more likely to incur damage to themselves or their cars (due to a number of factors but most typically because they drive at the fastest rate), but also that these younger drivers have no record or history to speak of. Their lack of a previous paper trail, in terms of their driving stability and financial capabilities, results in a higher quote and premium from an insurance company that deems them to be a high risk customer more likely to submit a claim. Car insurance quotes will not only cover your personal driving capacity, but also those residing in your household who are capable of driving. It is not uncommon, for example, for the rates of monthly premiums for a family to double or even triple when a teenage son or daughter gets their driver's license.
The contrast to the "worst case driver", of course, are customers who have a successful job and credit history. The smallest quote premiums are given to those with good financial standing, in addition to few or no previous driving records, and those that do not live in an area of a city with frequent accidents or auto theft. Actual location does not weigh as heavily upon the quote as driving experience, but will still result in a higher monthly or yearly premium. Of course, a major factor in the quote is how much coverage you need for your car (or cars); the actual amount of coverage may not be the same between two different companies.
A larger insurance company, such as industry juggernauts AllState or Nationwide, provide more for their customers but have a higher price tag to go along with it. By comparison, residents of a state with only basic requirements for coverage can choose a company that promotes no frills coverage, only providing for claims of collision or bodily harm. These companies, understandably, are more attractive to customers with financial strains -- or confidence in their driving abilities. Some coverage does not transfer on a state to state basis, so those who will use their car for frequent traveling should ensure their quote can provide coverage in parts of the country they will be driving through.
With the advantage of Internet access and twenty four hour telephone service, there have been a number of online insurance companies that have managed to significantly cut down on their expenses (and in turn, their rates) by offering complete coverage packages in online formats. A company like Esurance allows customers to literally print their policy information from a home printer after purchasing a plan. As proof of coverage is the only thing that must be presented at the scene of an accident in order to avoid legal issues, these "pay and print" companies have become successful at offering an extremely easy solution to a complex problem.
The car insurance quotes that any customer will receive include their monthly fees, but may not include additional charges made in case of accidents. Many insurance companies demand a deductible be paid by the customer in any claim prior to any money sent to the customer or a second party. This deductible often is connected to the value of the quote and monthly statement; the higher the paid premium, the lower the deductible, and vise versa. Often times customers have the choice of setting their deductible, though some companies (most notably those offering minimal coverage rates) have it at a set price. As an example, a deductible of one thousand dollars to be paid by the customer may seem steep, but can pay for itself via lesser rates in as little as two or three years of accident free driving.
Different companies will provide different rates, sometimes as much as several hundred dollars in difference. It is imperative for any customer to shop around for the best rates and quotes, as they may be losing out on considerable amounts of money by looking at only one or two companies. Indeed, a number of websites have sprung up to directly compare quotes between half a dozen major providers -- who, naturally, have paid to be featured on the site -- so that a customer need only put in their information once to get feedback on their policy capabilities.
Car insurance quotes are not difficult to find, online or in person at a nearby agency. They encompass many aspects of risk and probability for both customer and company, so that one person may have different results from different companies. Ensure that your coverage options provide all the requirements of your state, and determine whether or not you will require fully comprehensive coverage or whether a smaller sized plan would be more beneficial.

Your Insurance Coverage and Car Accidents

Car insurance is obviously a necessary component of driving. It offers financial protection in the event of a court judgment. It also pays for your medical expenses if you're injured by an uninsured or under-insured motorist. And of course, driving without auto insurance is illegal in every province. That said, while nearly every motorist has coverage, many people are paying too much for too little.
Personal injury protection claims, damage to the car, collisions and other expenses can cause your auto insurance rate to go sky-high. For that reason, it's worth taking the time to make sure you're getting the most value for your money. Below, we'll provide a few suggestions for maximizing the value of your car insurance policy.
Liability Coverage Revisited: A Brief Review
Liability coverage pays for the damage you inflict upon others. That includes injuries sustained by other drivers and pedestrians during a traffic accident for which you are found at fault. In this case, your policy would cover (up to your limit) their medical bills and expenses related to medications and rehabilitation. This portion of your policy is called bodily injury liability.
The other side of liability coverage pays for damages you cause to another person's property. This can be damage to another person's car, or property damage such as fixing a fence or planting a new tree. This is part of your property damage liability coverage.
Adjust Your Liability Coverage For Reasonable Protection
A lot of people carry less bodily and property damage liability coverage than they need. Policyholders tend to maintain the minimum limits necessary to comply with their province's laws with little regard for their financial exposure.
For instance: imagine you get into an accident on the freeway and injure another driver, who now has to pay medical expenses totaling $100,000. Further suppose your policy has a $50,000 limit. Given the situation, your insurance company is responsible up to the policy limit. You would be left responsible for the remaining $50,000 - or $50,000.
Review the value of your assets (e.g. your home, car, rrsp's, and savings.) and your household income. Increase your liability coverage - both damage to the body and to your car vehicle - to bridge any gap that exists between it and your assets' aggregate value. One consideration is getting more insurance coverage on top of your existing policy, in order to be protected for more than the minimum your company presently insurance you for.
Invest In Uninsured/Under-insured Motorist Coverage
In the same way maintaining the legal minimums exposes you to a financial loss if you cause an accident, other drivers carrying the minimums can also leave you exposed. For example, suppose you're hit by a motorist who either lacks liability coverage or lacks a sufficient amount to pay for damages and your medical bills. You might win a court judgment, but it will do little good if the offending driver lacks the resources to pay.
This is the reason you should invest in uninsured/under-insured motorist coverage. If you are injured or your vehicle sustains damage due to another driver's actions, and that person lacks sufficient coverage, this feature bridges the gap. Without it, you might find yourself in financial distress, paying for auto repairs, medical bills, and even rehabilitation from your own pocket.
A Cheaper Policy Is Not Necessarily "Better"
Squeezing more value from your auto insurance policy does not necessarily mean paying as little as possible for coverage. This is a common trap that ensnares millions of policyholders. In seeking to buy the least expensive policy, they inadvertently expose themselves to a potentially severe financial loss.
It is critical that you take stock of your current financial circumstances. The purpose of car insurance is to offer protection from the high costs associated with being involved in a traffic accident. It makes little sense to buy coverage that fails to provide an adequate protective buffer.
The above does not suggest you should stop looking for cheap auto insurance rates. On the contrary, you should consider doing so a priority and routinely comparison shop between multiple providers. The secret is to find the cheapest possible rates on the insurance coverage you desire. One without the other has little value. Fortunately, you can compare auto insurance rates online and find the package that offers the most value for your money.
Kade Phillips is an author and regular columnist at Kanetix. Compare rates and see how much you can save on your car insurance. Find cheap car insurance, or get a Canadian car insurance rate quote if you are from Canada.

Auto Insurance Made Available to Everyone

Automobile insurance is mandatory for all vehicle owners in almost all countries. Plying a car on the roads without proper cover is driving with risk and danger since accidents or sudden damages can occur to anybody anytime. This is the reason why car insurance is mandatory to all car owners. Online auto insurance facilities enable the car owners to avail the cheapest insurance policy for them with all the different beneficial schemes.
Online auto quotes help the owners to compare the rates and costs and types of facilities available on each separate policy and offer the opportunity to the clients to buy the best car insurance without going through any complicated process. The simplest and hassle free methods of companies guide the clients and applicants in every step to obtain the best without wasting much of the time.
Modern day online service for car insurances is a very time-saving and also, money- saving process. This is one benefit of modern day technology. Traditional methods involve huge expenses while online service is less expensive. Furthermore, they also offer various guiding steps to reduce the cost on premium and if the owners of the vehicles follow those methods they can avail cheap car insurance.
Different car companies put forward different schemes, different cheap auto quotes with diversified ranges of coverage. Low cost auto indemnity also offer the same facility but to avail the best one needs a guidance and the auto insurance companies offer free assistance here. Like free auto quotes, this free service is also offered by companies.
As clients can compare auto quotes, they can also compare the service and the ultimate profit lies in availing the best cover scheme at the lowest possible cost for the vehicles by the owners. Also, comparison of different insurance companies gives car owners the advantage of acquiring the best insurance company that is most suitable for them.
Every car that is driven on public highways, roads or freeways needs to encompass car insurance. There are innumerable car cover choices accessible to drivers. Given that car accidents are inevitable nowadays, it is advisable to all car owners to apply insurance policies. Every coverage policy gives something that adds compensation and safeguards the car driving public. One such motor vehicle policy is Physical Damage Coverage or else recognized as comprehensive car insurance. There are groupings of benefits in buying a comprehensive policy for your motor vehicle.
Automobile insurance is available to everybody who owns a car but the coverage or schemes and the rates vary depending on the experience and the previous history of the car owners. is here to assist and guide everybody how to opt cheapest car insurance and affordable insurance without compromising a single coverage and beneficial schemes.

Michigan No-Fault Automobile Insurance Basics

No-fault insurance is required by law in Michigan. Every auto owner must purchase certain basic coverages in order to register a vehicle in Michigan. It is against the law to drive, or let your car be driven, without no-fault insurance. The basic no-fault policy has 3 parts:
1) Personal Injury Protection (PIP)
If you are injured in a car accident, this part of your no-fault policy will reimburse all of your medical costs. It will also pay, up to a maximum amount, for the earnings you would have made if you had not been injured, for up to three years.
In 2007, the allowed amount under no-fault was $4,589 per month. If you are killed in an accident, your policy will pay your family up to the monthly amount for three years, based on what they would have received from your earnings and fringe benefits. You may also be entitled to up to $20 per day for replacement services, such as housekeeping, that you are no longer able to provide for yourself or your family because you are injured.
You may synchronize PIP coverage with any health or disability policy you have (except Medicaid, Medicare or a Medicare supplemental policy) to reduce your PIP premium. The health or disability plan then becomes the primary payer for medical or wage loss expenses, and the auto policy would cover remaining medical or wage loss expenses. These coverages are also called excess medical and excess wage loss.
2) Property Protection Insurance (PPI)
In Michigan, no-fault will pay up to $1 million for damage your car does to other people's property, such as buildings and fences. It will also reimburse for damage done to other people's properly parked vehicles.
3) Residual Liability Insurance Bodily Injury and Property Damage (BI/PD)
The no-fault law protects insured persons from being sued as the result of an auto accident except in certain special situations. These are some of the circumstances under which you could be sued:
One, if you cause an accident in Michigan in which someone is killed or seriously injured.
Two, if you are involved in an accident in Michigan with a non-resident who is an occupant of a motor vehicle not registered in Michigan.
Three, if you are involved in an accident in another state.
Four, you can be sued for up to $500 in damages to another person's car, which is not covered by insurance, if you are 50% or more at fault in the accident.
A Michigan required no-fault policy will pay up to your coverage limit amounts if you are sued or are legally responsible for damages in these situations.
The minimum required Residual Liability Insurance Bodily Injury and Property Damage coverage limits are:
Up to $20,000 for a person who is hurt or killed in an accident.
Up to $40,000 for each accident if several people are hurt or killed.
Up to $10,000 for property damage in another state.
These limits are often called 20/40/10.
Courts sometimes award more than these amounts. If this happens, you would be responsible for paying the amount not covered by your policy. To look after themselves, many people buy extra liability insurance.
There are some optional insurance coverages you may wish to consider. Michigan state law does not require that these be purchased-
Collision Insurance which pays for repairs to your car when it is damaged in a crash, Comprehensive Insurance which pays for your car if it is stolen or for repairs if it is damaged by falling objects, fire, flood, vandalism, or collision with an animal, and Uninsured Motorists Coverage which covers you if an uninsured motorist seriously injures you or a member of your family.
An eligible person for auto insurance is a person who has a car registered in Michigan or has a valid Michigan driver's license. However, there are times when a company can refuse to insure you.
You can be denied car insurance if:
-you are not required by law to have no-fault insurance.
-your driver's license is suspended or revoked.
-within the past five years, you have been convicted of attempting to defraud an insurance company, or have been denied payment of a claim over $1,000 because there is evidence of fraud on your part.
-within the past three years, you have been found guilty of a felony with a motor vehicle, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, failing to stop at the scene of an accident, or reckless driving.
-the car you want to insure does not meet Michigan safety requirements.
-within the past two years, your auto insurance has been canceled because of non-payment of premium. This can be waived if you pay the entire premium on the policy you are buying in advance.
- the insurance you would like to buy requires you to be a member of a group, club or organization and you are not a member of the group or do not join the club or organization.
-your driving record has more than the allowable number of "eligibility points."
-you do not meet the requirements of a company's underwriting rules.
Insurance Eligibility Points
Insurance companies assign insurance eligibility points for certain traffic violations.
These points are not the same as points on your official driving record. You can be turned down for auto insurance if you have seven or more eligibility points from violations within the past three years.
How insurance companies assign eligibility points:
-Driving more than 15 mph over the speed limit (careless driving) - four points
-Driving 11-15 mph over the speed limit - three points
-Driving 15 mph or fewer over the speed limit on freeways that used to have a maximum speed limit of 70 mph - two points
-Other moving violations - two points
-The first accident in which you are more than 50% at fault - three points
-The second and all following accidents in which you are more than 50% at fault - four points
Company Guidelines
Insurance companies also use certain guidelines, called underwriting rules, to help determine whether they will insure you. These rules may be different for each company, but each company must apply its rules in the same way to everyone.
Ineligible Persons
If you find you are not eligible for auto insurance, you may want to ask your agent to apply to the Michigan Automobile Insurance Placement Facility for you. The Facility was created to offer insurance to those persons who have difficulty finding insurance through regular companies. Any licensed agent can help you apply for insurance through the Facility.

The Freeway Insurance Company For Auto Insurance

If you're looking for auto insurance and you live in Arizona, California, or Texas, check out Freeway Insurance for your insurance company. Freeway is a relatively new provider which specializes in low cost auto insurance. Freeway is currently the largest personal insurer in California, and they provide auto, home, and life insurance to thousands more in those three states.
Benefits of Freeway Insurance
Freeway auto insurance is customer focused. They allow you lots of leeway in designing a policy with the types of coverage and services you need. Instead of just offering fixed coverage and cookie cutter plans like most insurers, Freeway allows you to customize more than thirty different parts of your insurance. This allows you to get the exact coverage you need without the stuff you don't want. That also means that you don't pay for parts of your policy that you don't need or want.
This custom coverage is one reason why Freeway has such high customer satisfaction. You choose the type of coverage you get, you choose what's included in your policy, and you pay only for the specific coverage you yourself chose.
High Risk Insurance
In California and Arizona, Freeway Insurance offers high risk insurance. This type of insurance is for those who might not otherwise be able to obtain auto insurance. If you have traffic citations, a DUI, or other factors that preclude getting traditional auto insurance, you can still obtain basic liability coverage. This type of coverage is required for all drivers, and having it will allow you to legally drive your vehicle. High risk insurance can be a godsend for those who can't get more comprehensive coverage.
Other Coverage
On the other hand, if you're looking for collision or other auto coverage, Freeway Insurance can also help you with that. Collision coverage pays you for damage to your vehicle in an accident caused by you. This is great if you have a newer or more expensive vehicle. Some banks and lenders require that you have a certain amount of collision coverage, too. Freeway also has a membership club with several advantages. If your car breaks down, you can get towing, tire changes, and other types of roadside assistance. If your car runs out of gas, you can just call a toll free number to have somebody come help you. Other services are jump starts and help if you're locked out of your car.
Freeway auto insurance is a great choice if you live in Arizona, California, or Texas.
They let you choose the type of coverage you want, so you don't pay for any features you won't use. They have special features like roadside assistance, and they even offer other types of insurance like life insurance and home insurance. If you're looking for high quality insurance, check them out.

Car Insurance You Can Afford

Insurance companies are like pack rats with statistics. They gather information about every reported visitors accident and each declare made. They've been doing this for decades. Ask them which makes and models are more than likely to be in an accident at a given time of day, and they're going to inform you. Need to know which autos are more than likely to be stolen? They know. Worse, additionally they know which groups of drivers are almost certainly to have an accident. That means you have to find out what they know if you end up shopping for a vehicle.
The perfect place to start is the site operated by the Insurance Institute for Highway Security and the Freeway Loss Data Institute which publishes the outcomes of crash exams and a wealth of other information about the complete range of automobiles currently on the road. Begin with consumer reports and find out that are the safest vehicles to own. Not surprisingly, these are additionally the most cost effective to insure. If you do not own among the finest autos, it may possibly often be price-efficient to have security gear or anti-theft units installed. Check out what discounts are on supply from the totally different insurers.
When you can't afford to change your vehicle and are just on the lookout for the renewal of your coverage, look fastidiously at who you are, the place you reside and how many miles a 12 months you drive. Obviously, you can not change your age and gender, which is unlucky as a result of virtually all men and women between the ages of 40 and sixty five pay lower than different lessons of driver. So in case you are a younger man, start driving as you imply to go on. You'll earn a reduction in the event you take extra driving courses. Your premiums may also fall over time for those who do not have an accident and avoid picking up any visitors tickets. Most insurers operate a zip code loading. In the event you reside in an area which has such a loading, it may be price paying for a lockable place to keep your vehicle overnight. Additionally, you will earn reductions should you drive less. Lastly, there are positive savings of as much as 25% in case you conform to your insurer monitoring the way you drive. Know-how is installed in your vehicle to document the time of day, distance traveled and information in your driving habits. Sacrificing some of your privacy can prevent large bucks.

Get The Right Coverage For Your Needs When Choosing Auto Insurance!

As you get older and life changes it is only a matter of time before you have to make a decision regarding your auto insurance. Auto insurance companies are not short to come by, there are plenty of choices, and the cheap choice does not always work out to be the best choice. You need to consider your insurance needs and the level of security that you are comfortable with. After you have an accident is not the time to find out you don't have the proper insurance coverage.
You need to consider what your needs are and what your level of security is, that being what gives you peace of mind? Is it the fact you are paying the least amount for your auto policy or is it the peace of mind knowing that if something were to happen that you have the proper coverage so you have the least amount of out of pocket expense.
The worst possible time to discover that you have cheap coverage that does not provide the coverage you need is after an accident has occurred! Then it is too late to reverse your decision process.
Take the time to research your options and be honest with yourself in terms of your driving record and your past history. If you have a long commute in heavy traffic every day your chances are increased that you could have an accident even if it is not your fault. So paying for cheap coverage may not be a wise option if you have increased risks.
If you live in a smaller populated city your risks may not be as great if you were living in a large metro area with major freeways and a long commute each day.
The good news is looking for auto insurance in smaller cities is not like searching in a large metropolitan city because the rates and risk would be far greater! However the damage that can occur with any vehicle is the same replacement cost regardless of the location. An expensive European automobile is the same in smaller cities as it is in any major city.

Comparing Online Car Insurance Quotes

When it comes to comparison of quotes online or offline, it does not necessarily mean that once you have conveniently entered or gave your information, you would be given a large comparison; it entirely means that there would be discounts for you. If you have not noticed yet, due to the fact that auto insurance is mandatory in some parts of the world, a lot of businesses in this niche have been popping out and that certainly means that there is a huge possibility that you will find a company that would provide cheap yet good insurance policy. There are still a lot of individuals that do not realize the secrets in finding the best auto insurance company. In reality, it never is a secret. All you need to do is to use online tools to compare rates. This way, you would be able to control your expenses.
When it comes to cars or any kind of automobile, everyone is required to have insurance as mentioned above but never worry since there are options available anywhere that are quite inexpensive. Just make sure that you take some time comparing the different companies' rates. When it comes to comparing notes, it became much easier nowadays to choose the best one that would satisfy your needs and budget because of the internet. If your current company cannot offer you a better rate then you can certainly choose a company that you have found using the internet.
In comparing quotes and if you already have a current policy, you should make sure to compare it with your current plan. This entirely means that if your current insurance have full coverage, you do not compare it with one that just offers liability and not the comprehension and collision insurance since that would only give you an incorrect comparison. A correct comparison would be to take out your current car insurance declaration page and give those out for the online quote you found.
If you are able to pay a certain company a full six-month policy upfront, they would be able to give you discounts. That would be a thing that should be put in mind when looking for affordable car insurance. There would be a number of times that when you add a new vehicle in your current policy, it would seem expensive. When this happens, it is best that you go online and compare rates and of course, you should make sure that you do get the best one with the best coverage and price.
You searched for auto insurance quotes online because you want to save. You should remember that you can only save some cash if you do some comparisons of different quotes from different companies online. Grabbing some quotes online is never like offline. The online way would be a lot quicker and easier and of course, it can always be accomplished in the 4 corners of your home.

The Freeway Insurance Company For Auto Insurance

If you're looking for auto insurance and you live in Arizona, California, or Texas, check out Freeway Insurance for your insurance company. Freeway is a relatively new provider which specializes in low cost auto insurance. Freeway is currently the largest personal insurer in California, and they provide auto, home, and life insurance to thousands more in those three states.
Benefits of Freeway Insurance
Freeway auto insurance is customer focused. They allow you lots of leeway in designing a policy with the types of coverage and services you need. Instead of just offering fixed coverage and cookie cutter plans like most insurers, Freeway allows you to customize more than thirty different parts of your insurance. This allows you to get the exact coverage you need without the stuff you don't want. That also means that you don't pay for parts of your policy that you don't need or want.
This custom coverage is one reason why Freeway has such high customer satisfaction. You choose the type of coverage you get, you choose what's included in your policy, and you pay only for the specific coverage you yourself chose.
High Risk Insurance
In California and Arizona, Freeway Insurance offers high risk insurance. This type of insurance is for those who might not otherwise be able to obtain auto insurance. If you have traffic citations, a DUI, or other factors that preclude getting traditional auto insurance, you can still obtain basic liability coverage. This type of coverage is required for all drivers, and having it will allow you to legally drive your vehicle. High risk insurance can be a godsend for those who can't get more comprehensive coverage.
Other Coverage
On the other hand, if you're looking for collision or other auto coverage, Freeway Insurance can also help you with that. Collision coverage pays you for damage to your vehicle in an accident caused by you. This is great if you have a newer or more expensive vehicle. Some banks and lenders require that you have a certain amount of collision coverage, too. Freeway also has a membership club with several advantages. If your car breaks down, you can get towing, tire changes, and other types of roadside assistance. If your car runs out of gas, you can just call a toll free number to have somebody come help you. Other services are jump starts and help if you're locked out of your car.
Freeway auto insurance is a great choice if you live in Arizona, California, or Texas. They let you choose the type of coverage you want, so you don't pay for any features you won't use. They have special features like roadside assistance, and they even offer other types of insurance like life insurance and home insurance. If you're looking for high quality insurance, check them out.

Freeway Auto Insurance

Unlike other insurance companies which provide just rates or only a single price, at Freeway you can choose your own insurance coverage and its price from more than 30 options that are made available to you. You choose what is needed for you and obtain the coverage at least prices offered by Freeway. They are insurance professionals who have saved a lot of money for many of their customers since 1987. Numerous convenient offices at various locations have been installed which have good workers who are licensed professionals.
Everybody is aware that the owner of a car should obtain auto insurance as per law. This is mainly to offer security against the losses which incur due to traffic accidents and against possible liability which can be imposed on you in an accident. In almost all the jurisdictions it is mandatory to obtain vehicle insurance relating to both the car and the driver. In United States buying auto insurance which covers liability for injuries and damages done to the property of others is compulsory in almost all the states. Auto insurance usually covers the insured party, vehicle that is insured, third parties (vehicle and driver and occupants) liabilities, fire and theft.
In few jurisdictions medical coverage is given to persons driving the vehicle that is insured irrespective of fault in the accident (No fault auto insurance). Based on the jurisdiction premium of the insurance could be provided by the government or decided in agreement with the regulations that are laid down by the government. Most of the time the insurer will enjoy the freedom to choose the rate on coverage for physical damages rather than on mandatory liability coverage. If not mandated by government premium is obtained by actuary calculations depending on statistics. Freeway provides numerous options to set your premium based on car features, coverage chosen, your profile, usage of car and other factors.

10 Tips That Can Help You Get The Cheapest Auto Insurance

With everything else on your mind, have you put your auto insurance on auto pilot? It's not your fault if you have -- lots of people do it. In fact, the insurance companies count on it. They make more money that way by raising your rates over time.
But maybe it's time you review your policy and compare it with what else might be out there that can save you substantial amounts of money this coming year.
Here are 10 tips that can help you make an informed decision as to whether you are paying too much for auto insurance:
  1. Request higher deductibles. Your auto insurance deductible is the amount you agree to pay upfront before your insurance company pays its share to repair your damages. Inquire about increasing your deductible from, say, $200 to $500 -- you might be surprised at how much you can save every year. In some cases, you could save between 15-30% on the cost of your collision and comprehensive coverage. If you increase your deductible to $1,000, you may be able to cut it even further -- perhaps by as much as could decrease that cost by at least 40 percent, or more.
  2. Drop coverage you don't need. Do you drive an old beater? Consider dropping collision and/or comprehensive coverage altogether. Who needs to pay a premium that is higher than the actual value of the car to begin with? So go online and check out how much your car is actually worth. You can do this at
  3. Don't pay for double coverage for medical If you're already covered with a decent health, life and/or disability insurance policy, just buy the the minimum personal injury protection that your state requires.
  4. Don't buy a car that thieves like to steal. It's more expensive to insure a car that is popular with car thieves. You can check out the statistics for that at And while you're at it, don't buy a car that is expensive to repair.
  5. Drive less. Many insurance companies offer a "low-mileage discount" to drivers who qualify. So if you can carpool to work, you might save on gas AND insurance. And not only that -- you'll sustain less wear and tear on your vehicle too. Lastly, many cities reserve an express lane on the freeway/interstate for carpoolers -- so you'll get to work faster, too. Call your insurer and find out whether you qualify.
  6. Safety features can save you money, too. Did you know that You can often get a discount if you own a car with automatic seat belts, anti-lock brakes and/or daytime running lights? Also, if you have an approved alarm system or other anti-theft device you can save money, too.
  7. Put your teenager on your policy. Don't put teens on their own policy -- it costs too much. And another thing about teens: if they keep decent grads and pass an approved drivers' training course, you can get a reduced rate for that as well. Lastly, if your teen goes to college more than 100 miles from home, they can qualify for further discounts -- if they leave their car at home.
  8. Put all your family's vehicles with one insurance carrier. Many insurance companies will be happy to take your premiums for more than one car at a time. And not only that -- if you buy homeowner's and/or life insurance too, you'll save even more.
  9. Ask this simple question: "What other discounts should I know about?" If you're older than 50 and/or retired, you might qualify for a discount through organizations like AARP; if you have no accidents or points on your record, you could qualify for a safe-driver discount; and/or if you're a longtime customer with your carrier, you could save some money that way.
  10. Reconsider before paying extra for roadside assistance. Here's the thing: getting towed might actually increase your premium and/or affect your eligibility for coverage. And adding insult to injury -- you might have had coverage through your credit card. Check it out. Sometimes having roadside assistance through an independent company might be the best deal of all.

ConclusionSo there you have it -- lots of ways to save on your auto insurance. Pick up the phone and check it out. After all, who wouldn't like to have an extra few hundred (or thousand) dollars to save or spend?

The Freeway Insurance Company For Auto Insurance

If you're looking for auto insurance and you live in Arizona, California, or Texas, check out Freeway Insurance for your insurance company. Freeway is a relatively new provider which specializes in low cost auto insurance. Freeway is currently the largest personal insurer in California, and they provide auto, home, and life insurance to thousands more in those three states.
Benefits of Freeway Insurance
Freeway auto insurance is customer focused. They allow you lots of leeway in designing a policy with the types of coverage and services you need. Instead of just offering fixed coverage and cookie cutter plans like most insurers, Freeway allows you to customize more than thirty different parts of your insurance. This allows you to get the exact coverage you need without the stuff you don't want. That also means that you don't pay for parts of your policy that you don't need or want.
This custom coverage is one reason why Freeway has such high customer satisfaction. You choose the type of coverage you get, you choose what's included in your policy, and you pay only for the specific coverage you yourself chose.
High Risk Insurance
In California and Arizona, Freeway Insurance offers high risk insurance. This type of insurance is for those who might not otherwise be able to obtain auto insurance. If you have traffic citations, a DUI, or other factors that preclude getting traditional auto insurance, you can still obtain basic liability coverage. This type of coverage is required for all drivers, and having it will allow you to legally drive your vehicle. High risk insurance can be a godsend for those who can't get more comprehensive coverage.
Other Coverage
On the other hand, if you're looking for collision or other auto coverage, Freeway Insurance can also help you with that. Collision coverage pays you for damage to your vehicle in an accident caused by you. This is great if you have a newer or more expensive vehicle. Some banks and lenders require that you have a certain amount of collision coverage, too. Freeway also has a membership club with several advantages. If your car breaks down, you can get towing, tire changes, and other types of roadside assistance. If your car runs out of gas, you can just call a toll free number to have somebody come help you. Other services are jump starts and help if you're locked out of your car.
Freeway auto insurance is a great choice if you live in Arizona, California, or Texas. They let you choose the type of coverage you want, so you don't pay for any features you won't use. They have special features like roadside assistance, and they even offer other types of insurance like life insurance and home insurance. If you're looking for high quality insurance, check them out.
Get Quotes Online Now
If you're looking for auto insurance, click here to get quotes online right now. Just enter your zip code and press enter. You can compare quotes from different companies in your area to find the cheapest, best coverage. Don't wait - visit today!

Amica Mutual Insurance Company IT Data Warehouse Internship

Amica Mutual Insurance Company
IT Data Warehouse Internship  
Summer 2009

As one of the nation's leading personal lines carriers, Amica is strong, stable, financially secure, and consistently rated #1 for personal service by our customers. We have over $4 billion in assets, are rated A++ by A.M. Best, and employ over 3,000 people, countrywide.  

Our office located in Lincoln, RI is seeking up to two IT interns to work in our CIS department.  These are paid internships and the working hours are 35 hours per week during the summer months with the possibility of continuing employment during the school year. 

 The position involves providing technical support for Amica’s data warehouse.  Preferred skills include an understanding of relational databases and SQL, COBOL, good analytical skills and the ability to learn new systems quickly.  Responsibilities include development and validation of software to extract and transform data (ETL) from source systems to load Amica’s data warehouse and support Business Intelligence reporting needs.  A programming background is required.  Training will be provided.

Qualified students should be enrolled in a Bachelor’s degree program within the IT field and anticipate graduating no later than spring, 2010.  Interns who successfully complete the internship will be considered for full-time employment.

Please submit resumes no later than April 17, 2009 to:

Mrs. Linda Demaine
CIS Department
Amica Mutual Insurance Company
P.O. Box 6008
Providence, RI  02940
Fax: (401)334-1634 – Attn: Linda Demaine            

  No phone calls please.  Only those selected for further consideration will be contacted.

Equal Opportunity Policy:
All qualified applicants who are authorized to work in the United States will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, religion, sex, color, national origin, age, disability or sexual orientation. The Age Discrimination in Employment Act prohibits discrimination on the basis of age with respect to individuals who are 40 or more years of age.  Employees are subject to the provisions of the Workers' Compensation Act.


Get Prepared Before Your Summer Road Trip

If you're planning a summer road trip, it’s crucial to review your auto insurance before you hit the road. In case you’re involved in an accident, it’s also important to know what happens when you file a claim. The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) offers these tips for consumers planning summer travel.

Before Leaving on Vacation

Make sure you have your insurance identification card in the car.

Double-check that phone numbers for your insurance company and agent are listed on the identification card. If not, make note of these numbers to keep with your ID card.

If You’re In an Accident

  • Remain calm.
  • Check for any injuries and administer first aid, if necessary.
  • Contact the proper authorities and inform them of any injuries. Regardless of the circumstances, report the accident to the police.
  • Record the name, address and phone number of the other driver. Always write down the make, model and license plate number of all vehicles involved.
  • Collect the names, addresses and phone numbers of all passengers and witnesses.
  • Take photos of the accident scene, if possible.
  • Do not admit fault.
  • Ask the investigating officer how to obtain a copy of the police report.
  • Notify your insurance agent or company immediately.

What to Expect After the Accident

Rental Cars

If your car was damaged as result of another driver’s negligence, the other driver’s insurance company should pay your rental car costs for a reasonable length of repair time. If your car is totaled, many companies will pay for your rental as a courtesy, but they are not required to do so.

If you are filing a claim with your own insurance company, the cost of a rental car will only be covered if you paid a premium to include rental reimbursement coverage in your policy. Most polices have a dollar limit for rental payments, so check your policy if you have questions.

Uninsured Drivers

If an uninsured driver caused the accident, then your insurance company will pay for damage to your vehicle if you have collision coverage or uninsured motorist property damage. If your damage is repaired under your collision coverage — be aware you will still have to pay a deductible.

Even if your claims adjuster recommends a specific body shop, you may choose to have your car repaired at the body shop of your choice. To avoid any confusion, be sure to notify the claims adjuster which shop you would like to repair your car, before any of the work is done.

If Your Car Is a Total Loss

If the damage to your car is extensive, and the claims adjuster determines the cost to repair your car is greater than the value of your car, the insurance company might choose to declare your car a total loss. When this happens, your insurance company has the option to take the title for your vehicle when it issues payment on your claim.

The insurance company will use the Kelley Blue Book as a guide to valuing the car. The insurance company is required to pay what your vehicle was actually worth at the moment before the crash. The claims adjuster will check to see what a car like yours (same make, model and year) is worth in your general geographic area.
It is also a good idea for you to independently research the value of your car before agreeing to a settlement with the insurance company. 

Ramifications of Filing a Claim

An accident filed with your insurance company might cause your rates to rise. Premium increases are more likely when the accident is your fault; however, an insurance company might also raise your premiums if you have more than one not-at-fault accident within a policy period. If you have questions about a rate increase following a claim, contact your state insurance department.  

More Information

If you have a dispute with your insurer about the amount or terms of the claim settlement, contact your state insurance department for assistance.

Go to for a link to your state insurance department's Web site.

For more information about auto, home, life and health insurance options, as well as tips for choosing the coverage that is right for you and your family, go to




Without limiting Recycler's indemnification, Recycler shall procure and maintain for the duration of the Authorization Certificate, insurance against claims for injuries to persons or damages to property which may arise from or in connection with the performance of the Recycler, its agents, representatives or employees.  SWA shall retain the right at any time to review the coverage, form, and amount of the insurance required hereby.  If in the opinion of the SWA Risk Manager, insurance provisions in these requirements do not provide adequate protection for SWA and for members of the public, SWA may require Recycler to obtain insurance sufficient in coverage, form and amount to provide adequate protection.  SWA’s requirements shall be reasonable but shall be imposed to assure protection from and against the kind and extent of risks that exist at the time a change in insurance is required.

Verification of Coverage

Recycler shall furnish SWA with certificates evidencing coverage required below.  Copies of required endorsements must be attached to provided certificates.  The SWA Risk Manager may approve self-insurance programs in lieu of required policies of insurance if, in the opinion of the Risk Manager, the interests of SWA and the general public is adequately protected.  All certificates, evidences of self-insurance, and additional insured endorsements are to be received and approved by SWA before performance commences.  SWA reserves the right to require that Recycler provide complete copies of any policy of insurance including endorsements offered in compliance with these specifications.  


Minimum Scope of Insurance

Coverage shall be at least as broad as:

1.        GENERAL LIABILITY:  Insurance Services Office’s Commercial General Liability occurrence coverage form CG 0001.  Including, but not limited to Premises/Operations, Products/Completed Operations, Contractual, and Personal & Advertising Injury, without additional exclusions or limitations, unless approved by the Risk Manager.

2.          AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY: Insurance Services Office’s Commercial Automobile Liability coverage form CA 000.
a.      Commercial Automobile Liability: auto coverage symbol   “1” (any auto) for corporate/business owned vehicles.  If there are no owned or leased vehicles, symbols 8 and 9 for non-owned and hired autos shall apply.
b.      Personal Lines automobile insurance shall apply if vehicles are individually owned.

3.        WORKERS’ COMPENSATION: Statutory requirements of the State of California and Employer's Liability Insurance.

4.        UMBRELLA or Excess Liability policies are acceptable where the need for higher liability limits is noted in the Minimum Limits of Insurance and shall provide liability coverages that at least follow form over the underlying insurance requirements where necessary for Commercial General Liability, Commercial Automobile Liability, Employers’ Liability, and any other liability coverage designated under the Minimum Scope of Insurance.

Minimum Limits of Insurance

Recycler shall maintain limits no less than:

1.        General Liability shall be on an Occurrence basis (as opposed to Claims Made basis). Minimum limits and structure shall be: 

                General Aggregate:          $2,000,000
                Products Comp/Op Aggregate:        $2,000,000
                Personal & Adv. Injury:        $1,000,000
                Each Occurrence:           $1,000,000
                Fire Damage:                $   100,000

2.          Automobile Liability:
a.      Commercial Automobile Liability for Corporate/business owned vehicles including non-owned and hired, $2,000,000 Combined Single Limit.
b.      Personal Lines Automobile Liability for Individually owned vehicles, $250,000 per person, $500,000 each accident, $100,000 property damage.

3.        Workers' Compensation:  Statutory.

4.        Employer's Liability:  $1,000,000 per accident for bodily injury or disease.

Deductibles and Self-Insured Retention

Any deductibles or self-insured retention that apply to any insurance required by this Agreement must be declared and approved in writing by SWA.  

Other Insurance Provisions

The insurance policies required in this Agreement are to contain, or be endorsed to contain, as applicable, the following provisions:

All Policies:

1.      ACCEPTABILITY OF INSURERS:  Insurance is to be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best's rating of no less than A-: VII.  The Risk Manager may waive or alter this requirement, or accept self-insurance in lieu of any required policy of insurance if, in the opinion of the Risk Manager, the interests of SWA and the general public are adequately protected.

2.       MAINTENANCE OF INSURANCE COVERAGE:  The Recycler shall maintain all insurance coverages in place at all times and provide SWA with evidence of each policy's renewal ten (10) days in advance of its anniversary date.  Each insurance policy required by this Agreement shall be endorsed to state that coverage shall not be canceled by either party except after thirty (30) days' written notice for cancellation or sixty (60) days’ written notice for non-renewal has been given to SWA.  For non-payment of premium 10 days prior written notice of cancellation is required.  

 Commercial General Liability and/or Commercial Automobile Liability:

1.      ADDITIONAL INSURED STATUS:  SWA, the County of Sacramento, their respective officials, officers, directors, agents, employees, and volunteers are to be endorsed as additional insureds as respects:  liability arising out of activities performed by or on behalf of the Recycler; products and completed operations of the Recycler; premises owned, occupied or used by the Recycler; or automobiles owned, leased, hired or borrowed by the Recycler.  The coverage shall contain no endorsed limitations on the scope of protection afforded to SWA and the County of Sacramento, their respective officials, officers, directors, agents, employees, and volunteers

2.      CIVIL CODE PROVISION:  Coverage shall not extend to any indemnity coverage for the active negligence of the additional insured in any case where an agreement to indemnify the additional insured would be invalid under Subdivision (b) of Section 2782 of the Civil Code.

3.      PRIMARY INSURANCE:  For any claims related to this agreement, the Recycler's insurance coverage shall be endorsed to be primary insurance as respects SWA, the County of Sacramento, their respective officials, officers, directors, agents, employees, and volunteers.  Any insurance or self-insurance maintained by SWA, and/or the County of Sacramento shall be excess of the Recycler's insurance and shall not contribute with it.

4.      SEVERABILITY OF INTEREST:  The Recycler's insurance shall apply separately to each insured against whom claim is made or suit is brought, except with respect to the limits of the insurer's liability.  

5.      SUBCONTRACTORS:  Recycler shall be responsible for the acts and omissions of all its subcontractors and shall require all its subcontractors to maintain adequate insurance

Notification of Claim

                                If any claim for damages is filed with Recycler or if any lawsuit is instituted against Recycler, that arise out of or are in any way connected with Recycler’s performance under the Authorization Certificate and that in any way, directly or indirectly, contingently or otherwise, affect or might reasonably affect SWA or the County of Sacramento, Recycler shall give prompt and timely notice thereof to SWA. Notice shall not be considered prompt and timely if not given within thirty (30) days following the date of receipt of a claim or ten (10) days following the date of service of process of a lawsuit.